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We are excited to announce the launching of the much awaited CIRCLE OF LIFE COACH CERTIFICATION PROGRAM!

The Circle Of Life Coach Certification Program is split into two distinct and important Phases (Phase I & II) to ensure YOU are enriched, equipped and empowered to experience personal transformation through application the Circle Of Life Process, and develop and practice coaching skills and learn how to empower others as a  Certified Holistic Life Coach!

The Two Phases combine for a 40-Hour Dynamic Transformation-Focused Training Program!

+ Phase I - Circle Of Life Coaching Experience Program (Online/Self-Paced) – (18 Hours)

  •  Experience the Circle Of Life Process and create positive, high-impact change in your life through the innovative, engaging and self-paced Circle Of Life Program with training videos curated the COL Trainers: Dr. Roger Jahnke, Rebecca McLean, Dr. Kalind Bakshi and Maulik Mankad!

+ Phase II - Circle Of Life Coach Training – (22 Hours Total - 14 Hours Of Live Learning Via Zoom + 8 Hours Of Video Learning)

  • The Follow-up to the Phase I - Circle Of Life Coaching Experience (noted above), is for individuals who would like to develop, hone and apply essential coaching skills and methodologies to coach individuals, groups and organizations using the COL Process. Upon completion of the Certification requirements, the participant receives the COLCI Holistic Coach Certificate! 
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Phase I - Online/Self-Paced Coaching Experience Outline

Each lesson equips, empower and enlightens YOU to build self-belief, overcome challenges and truly create transformational growth and change!

  • 1


    • Welcome and Introduction

    • Please Scroll To The Bottom For Phase II - COACH CERTIFICATION TRAINING Materials

  • 2

    Lesson 1 - Circle Of Life Principles

    • Session 1 - Coaching Foundations of Circle Of Life

    • Session 2 - Power Of Self-Care & Mind Body Practices With Coaching

    • Session 3 - Be Coached

  • 3

    Lesson 2 - Circle Assessment

    • Please Download - Circle Of Life Assessment

    • Please Download - Circle Of Life Focus Area Key Word Association

    • Session 1 - Circle Assessment

    • Session 2 - One Breath - Self Care Practice

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    Lesson 3 - Values and Self-Care Practices

    • Please Download - Assess Your Readiness Form

    • Session 1 - Assess Your Readiness

    • Session 2 - Personal Care Practices

    • Please Download - Your Personal Core Values Review

    • Please Download - 400 Personal Values List

    • Please Download - The DeMartini Value Determination Process

    • Session 3 - Why Are Core Values Important?

    • Session 4 - Living By Your Highest Values

    • Session 5 - Mind-Body Practice - Unplug Energy Drains & ReConnect With The Source

    • Session 6 - Coach's Insights

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    Lesson 4 - Blueprint For Success

    • Please Download - Blueprint For Success

    • Session 1 - Strength/Victories, Power Of Intention & Goals

    • Best Life Vision & SMART Goals

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    Lesson 5 - Challenges, Affirmations, Visualizations

    • Session 1 - Overcoming Challenges - Energy Practice

    • Session 2 - Overcoming Challenges

    • Session 3 - Mind-Body Practice, Heaven & Earth

    • Session 4 - Power Of Affirmations

    • Session 5 - Visualize Your Intention - Part I

    • Session 6 - Visualize You Intention - Part II

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    Lesson 6 - Coaching Demonstrations

    • Session 1 - Brainstorming & Planning Action Steps

    • Coaching Session - Rebecca and Erica

    • Coaching Session - Roger and Dennis

    • Coaching Session - Kalind and Paula

    • Coaching Session - Maulik and Gurparteek

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    Lesson 7 - Inner and Outer Resources

    • Session 1 - An Introduction To Your Inner Resources

    • Session 2 - Accessing Your External & Inner Resources

    • Session 3 - Metaphors, Images and Analogies

    • Session 4 - 10 Minute Tune-Up - Self Care Practice

    • Session 4 - Train Your Brain

    • Session 5 - Mind Body Practice - Heart Mind Space

    • Session 6 - Self-Compassion - Part I

    • Session 7 - Self-Compassion - Part II

    • Session 8 - Sacred Power Place Visualization

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    Lesson 8 - Revise & Re-Evaluate

    • Session 1 - Revise & Re-Evaluate Your Blueprint

    • Session 2 - Mind Body Practice - The Three Alignments

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    Congratulations & Next Steps

    • Congratulations & Next Steps

    • IMPORTANT - COL Training Program and Certification Requirements

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    Phase II - Zoom Technology Training Recording

    • Circle Of Life Zoom Technology Training - Video Recording.mp4

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    Phase II - Circle Of Life Guidebook & Manual ***For Coach Use Only***

    • Circle Of Life Guide Book - ***For Coach Use Only

    • Circle Of Life Coach Training Manual - ***For Coach Use Only

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    Phase II - Session Recordings & Tools

    • The Power of Coaching & 15 Powers Of Circle Of Life System

    • Facilitating the Circle Of Life Process

    • PHASE - II - SESSION 1

    • Questioning Skills & Asking Questions

    • Socratic Questions

    • Session 2 - Listening Exercise

    • PHASE - II - SESSION 2 - Pt 1

    • PHASE - II - SESSION 2 - Pt 2

    • Session 3 - Working With Challenges Group Practice

    • PHASE - II - SESSION 3

    • Coaching Blues & Challenges

    • PHASE - II - SESSION 4

    • Session 5 - Coaching Partner Practice

    • PHASE - II - SESSION 5 - Pt 1

    • PHASE - II - SESSION 5 - Pt 2

    • Session 6 - Group Practice

    • Talking About Circle of Life Coaching

    • Accountability Coaching Practice

    • Coaching Session Prep Form

    • PHASE - II - SESSION 6

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    Certification Related Training Forms & Videos

    • Coaching Ethics

    • Coaching Ethics Questionnaire - Required For Certification.pdf (60.7 KB)

    • Certification Questionnaire - Please Complete and Email

    • COL Participant Evaluation - Group & One-On-One Coaching

    • Post Training Self Evaluation- Completed by You

    • Post Training Summary Evaluation - Completed by You

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    Additional Coaching Videos

    • Circle Of Life Coaching Formats

    • Marketing To Build Your Coaching Practice

    • Coach vs. Expert Model

    • Discovery Call

    • Shannon Hall - Group Coaching Interview

    • Debbie McKee - Group Coaching Interview

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    Coaching Tools

    • Coaching Agreement Template

    • Acknowledge Your Victories.pdf

    • Coaching Fees

    • Your Ideal Client

    • Powerful_Questions

    • 25 Coaching Questions

    • Circle Of Life: 2 - Day Workshop Format

    • Circle of Life Poster

    • Circle Assessment Poster

    • Sample Group Flyer - Sample #1

    • Sample Group Flyer - Sample #2

    • Sample Flyer - WINTER SOLSTICE Circle of Life Retreat

    • Sample Flyer - COL - Hospital Workshop

    • Asking Questions Resource

    • Who Are You

    • Talking About Circle of Life Coaching

    • Coaching Fees

    • Business Resources COLCI

    • Your Ideal Cleint

    • Marketing the COL to Organizations

    • Scripts for Describing Mind

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    Body Mind Practices & Guided Imagery Tools

    • LIfeboat Metaphor - Visualization

    • 3 Min Visualization -COL

    • Mindful Breath Meditation

    • Three Mindful Alignments

    • Benefits - Breath

    • Mindfulness Apps

    • Metaphors & Analogies

    • Body Mind Tuneup

    • Ringing the Temple Gong

    • Reflexology Charts

    • Dr. Jahnke - Body Mind Tuneup

    • Power Posing - Ann Cuddy

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What Do You Learn?

So, in PHASE 2 Coach Training Program (Live via Zoom and Video Learning), you will experience and acquire the following:                             

  1. Begin the process of transforming into a Circle Of Life Holistic Coach and learn how to maximize the powerful synergy of the Circle Of Life Coaching Process and mind body self-care practices
  2. Develop a foundational coaching skills such as listening, reflecting, asking powerful questions and guiding clients and groups to arrange for accountability
  3. Cultivating the primary coach powers – listening, discerning and speaking without judgement
  4. Effective synergy and application of COL self-care methods combined with the Circle Of Life Process to leverage energy, mind set and create a sense of self-empowerment through Mind-Body and Energy Balancing Practices
  5. Effective and Efficient use of Technology to achieve your success in coaching
  6. How to be “Fail- Safe” in your Circle Of Life Coaching Practice
  7. Develop and pursue your own goals to create a coaching business


Upon completion of Phase I & II and fulfillment of the Certification Requirements noted below, you will be certified as a Circle Of Life Holistic Life Coach!

** Please Refer to the PDF below for the Circle Of Life Coach Certification Requirements**

COL Training Program and Certification Requirements - General.pdf

Registration for Phase II Coach Certification Training is now OPEN!  

***Program Cancellation Policy - NO REFUNDS will be offered for this program due to the infrastructural fees and setup expenses. If there is an extraneous circumstance where you cannot attend the program sessions, please reach out to us and we will do our best to assist with enrollment with future program options.***

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Our Program Senior Trainers

You will have access to learning directly from some of the world-renowned experts in the Life Coaching and Mind-Body domain.

Educate : Equip : Empower

  • Live Via Zoom

    Live Via Zoom Coach Training in a dynamic group setting with world-class Holistic Life Coaching Trainers to ensure you have learn how to be an effective Circle Of Life Coach as you learn the COL ToolSet and Foundational Coaching Skills through learning and in-session application.

  • 40 Hours Of Learning, Training & Practice

    Online/Self-Paced Coaching Experience (18 Hours) of Phase I, Live Via Zoom Coach Training (14 Hours) and High-Impact BONUS Coaching Video Lessons (8 Hours) ensuring you experience the Circle Of Life Coaching Process and be fully equipped, educated and empowered to successfully begin your coaching career!

  • Community Support

    You gain access to a growing Circle Of Life Community and receive personalized support from Circle Of Life Coach Institute (COLCI) Senior Trainers to facilitate completion of all your certification requirements.

COLCI Coach Certification Training Program - Phase II

Circle Of Life Coach Certification Training Program (FOR LIMITED TIME ONLY) - Phase II (Live Via Zoom)

Program Cancellation (By Participant) Policy:

As stated in the Certification Requirements PDF and in the program description above, NO REFUNDS will be offered for this program due to the infrastructural fees and setup expenses. If there is an extraneous circumstance where you cannot attend the program sessions, please reach out to us and we will do our best to assist with enrollment with future program options.