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Circle Of Life (Online/Self-Paced) Refresher Program

Enriching, Engaging, Empowering And An All-Encompassing Refresher Program For COL Coaches And Graduates.

We are excited to announce the launching of the much awaited...REFRESHER - CIRCLE OF LIFE COACH EXPERIENCE (Phase I) PROGRAM (**FOR COL Graduates/Coaches ONLY)!

Circle Of Life Refresher Program is comprised of two Phases:

Phase I - Circle Of Life Coaching Experience Program (Online and Self-Paced) – Experience the Circle Of Life Process and create positive, high-impact change in your life through the innovative, engaging and self-paced Circle Of Life Program with training videos curated the COL Trainers: Dr. Roger Jahnke, Rebecca McLean, Dr. Kalind Bakshi and Maulik Mankad! And....

Phase II - Circle Of Life Coach Training Training (Live via Zoom) – This is a  Follow-up to the Online Phase I Program, for coaches who would like to develop, hone and apply foundational coaching skills and methodologies to coach individuals, groups and organizations using the COL Process. This is a powerful refresher program that gives COL Coaches and graduates access to a dynamic and engaging learning and practice environment to take your coaching practice to the next level!

To get a glimpse of the comprehensive, yet engaging and easy-to-follow Circle Of Life (Online/Self-Paced) Refresher Program, we have included the program outline with the lesson highlights to see the truly enriching and empowering nature of this transformational process! 

Course curriculum

  • 1


    • Welcome and Introduction

  • 2

    Lesson 1 - Circle Of Life Principles

    • Session 1 - Coaching Foundations of Circle Of Life

    • Session 2 - Power Of Self-Care & Mind Body Practices With Coaching

    • Session 3 - Be Coached

  • 3

    Lesson 2 - Circle Assessment

    • Please Download - Circle Of Life Assessment

    • Please Download - Circle Of Life Focus Area Key Word Association

    • Session 1 - Circle Assessment

    • Session 2 - One Breath - Self Care Practice

  • 4

    Lesson 3 - Values and Self-Care Practices

    • Please Download - Assess Your Readiness Form

    • Session 1 - Assess Your Readiness

    • Session 2 - Personal Care Practices

    • Session 3 - Why Are Core Values Important?

    • Please Download - Your Personal Core Values Review

    • Please Download - 400 Personal Values List

    • Please Download - The DeMartini Value Determination Process

    • Session 4 - Living By Your Highest Values

    • Session 5 - Mind-Body Practice - Unplug Energy Drains & ReConnect With The Source

    • Session 6 - Coach's Insights

  • 5

    Lesson 4 - Blueprint For Success

    • Please Download - Blueprint For Success

    • Session 1 - Strength/Victories, Power Of Intention & Goals

    • Best Life Vision & SMART Goals

  • 6

    Lesson 5 - Challenges, Affirmations, Visualizations

    • Session 1 - Overcoming Challenges - Energy Practice

    • Session 2 - Overcoming Challenges

    • Session 3 - Mind-Body Practice, Heaven & Earth

    • Session 4 - Power Of Affirmations

    • Session 5 - Visualize Your Intention - Part I

    • Session 6 - Visualize You Intention - Part II

  • 7

    Lesson 6 - Coaching Demonstrations

    • Session 1 - Brainstorming & Planning Action Steps

    • Coaching Session - Rebecca and Erica

    • Coaching Session - Roger and Dennis

    • Coaching Session - Kalind and Paula

    • Coaching Session - Maulik and Gurparteek

  • 8

    Lesson 7 - Inner and Outer Resources

    • Session 1 - An Introduction To Your Inner Resources

    • Session 2 - Accessing Your External & Inner Resources

    • Session 3 - Metaphors, Images and Analogies

    • Session 4 - 10 Minute Tune-Up - Self Care Practice

    • Session 5 - Train Your Brain

    • Session 6 - Mind Body Practice - Heart Mind Space

    • Session 7 - Self-Compassion - Part I

    • Session 8 - Self-Compassion - Part II

    • Session 9 - Sacred Power Place Visualization

  • 9

    Lesson 8 - Revise & Re-Evaluate

    • Session 1 - Revise & Re-Evaluate Your Blueprint

    • Session 2 - Mind Body Practice - The Three Alignments

  • 10

    Congratulations & Next Steps

    • Congratulations & Next Steps

Watch Intro Video

Our Program Senior Trainers

You will have access to learning directly from some of the world-renowned experts in the Life Coaching and Mind-Body domain.

Equip : Enrich : Empower

  • 15+ Hours Of Interactive Video Learning

    Step-by-Step Lessons from world-class Holistic Life Coaching Trainers to take you through the 6-Phase Circle Of Life Process, and guide you through every facet of your transformation process. You will have access to the video lessons for up-to 6 months even after completion of the program.

  • 18 Hours Online/Self-Paced Program

    This a fully Online and Self-Paced Program, where you can access all the material on your phone, laptop or tablet to ensure you have all the convenience of technology, with the power of the 'Fail-Safe' Circle Of Life Coaching System.

  • Community Support

    You gain access to a thriving Circle Of Life Community and unparalleled support from Circle Of Life Coach Institute (COLCI) upon completion of the program. Additionally, there is a clear 'Coach Certification Pathway' upon completion of Phase I, if one so desires.

Refresher Early Bird Registration - FOR LIMITED TIME ONLY

Online/Self-Paced Circle Of Life Program - (Early Bird Pricing - Regular Price $299)

Phase II - Refresher - Coach Training (Live Via Zoom)

To Learn More & Register for the Phase II - Refresher - COL Coach Training Program (*For COL Graduates/Coaches ONLY), Please Click On The Link Below: